Effect of AAGP® on Maintaining Stem Cell Function in Mouse Neural Stem Cells During Cryopreservation

Image of cells

Hussein, August 2007


Cryopreservation is a technique commonly used to preserve human tissue and cells during long-term storage for their use in transplantation and research. One of the largest problems with stem cell cryopreservation is maintaining viability – cell numbers greatly reduce during cryopreservation (due to cell death) and those that survive the process can lose their stem cell characteristics – their ability to differentiate.

Prior to looking into AAGPs® ability to preserve stem cell numbers during cryopreservation the affect of AAGP® on cell function/competence was measured. This was the aim of this experiment.


Mouse neural embryonic stem cells were cryopreserved at -80°C in 20%FBS growth serum containing 10%DMSO and AAGP®. After 2 days of cryopreservation cells were thawed at 37°C. OCT4 was used as a marker for undifferentiated/competent stem cells and flow cytometry performed to calculate the percentage of sample which remained undifferentiated. Unstained cells were used as the control.


The OCT4 cell competence tests showed 96% of the mouse neural cells to contain the undifferentiated/competent stem cell marker (Graph).

Graph image


Thus it can be said that exposure of mouse neural stem cells to AAGP® during Cryopreservation prevents them from losing their competence as stem cells.